About CASt.
The INTOSAI Centre for Advanced Studies (CASt) is a scientific initiative based on a think tank model, led by the INTOSAI Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues (SCEI). The objective is to contribute to the strengthening of the global voice of INTOSAI by producing SAI-based information and research about public auditing.
CASt is a scientific board that aims to promote an environment for applied research in priority themes and technical and scientific production to support public auditing and management activities within the scope of INTOSAI. It facilitates the exchange of researchers and auditors to consolidate knowledge and good practices among SAIs and create research collaboration and promotion networks with partnerships with international organizations and teaching and research institutions.
For more information, please refer to the CASt Terms of Reference.
Learn moreThe Call.
This call for proposals is being launched to select academics worldwide to carry out 6 projects for short-term research funding (3 months). The studies will be centred on periodically selected global issues and cross-cutting themes, research based on SAIs' work, and under-studied areas of external control and government audit.
For this edition, the prioritized themes are:
- Impacts of artificial intelligence for the SAIs (2 projects)
- Auditing Climate Financing (2 projects)
- Fighting Hunger and Poverty (2 projects)
The researchers with selected projects will receive a monthly scholarship, according to the role:
- USD 3.500 - Researcher
- USD 1.200 - Supervisor
See the Call for Proposals for more information.
Submission deadline extended to June 21st
Researcher Profile:
- PhD researchers affiliated with universities that are officially recognized by the governments of their respective countries.
- Employees of SAI are not eligible to apply as researchers. However, they are allowed to serve in the role of academic supervisors.
- Candidates must demonstrate prior research experience in the proposed theme, which includes having published works on the subject.
- See the Proposal Template and the Proposal Submission form to register for the call.
Supervisor Profile:
- After the projects have been selected, the Scientific Board will choose the supervisors from among the experts of the SAIs in each theme.
- The supervisor must be able to provide proof of an employment relationship with the SAI and must have received express consent from the institution's head of audit to supervise the research.
- Please note that researchers and supervisors' call are independent. Each selected supervisor will be responsible for one of the six approved projects, which will be communicated after the end of the selection process. If you want to sign up as a supervisor, choose one of the three call topics and register via the Submission form - Supervisor.
- All the scientific production and communication will be carried out in English.
- The proficiency of the candidates must be equivalent to B2 level of the CEFR.
- The purpose of the research project should be objectively assessed in terms of its practical utility and potential for effective implementation in the context of the SAIs.
- The project should provide clear and concise details of the methods and the benefits of the proposed research.
- The proposal should consider regional and global dimensions of the research topic.
- The quality of the proposal will be assessed based on clarity, logical flow, and evaluability of the text.
- The research must be original (the main results and conclusions must not have been published or submitted elsewhere).
Evaluation process:
- The Centre is composed by a Scientific Board, which will coordinate the research activities.
- A panel of evaluators, comprising specialists from SAIs in the prioritized themes nominated by the Scientific Board, will be responsible for selecting the proposals.
- The evaluation process is expected to be completed by June 21st, 2024.
- After SCEI approval, the articles must be submitted to publication in a Scopus or JCR (Journal Citation Reports) listed peer reviewed journal (or similar).
- The journal should preferably be open access.
- All the production of the Centre will be catalogued and made available in its virtual library after publication.
We are pleased to communicate the results of the selection of researchers and supervisors to the INTOSAI Centre for Advanced Studies (CASt):
Francisco Alexandre Correia Arruda
McElory Hoffman
Johan Van der Merwe
Tesfaye Lemma
Lina Xu
Lan Nguyen
May 7th to June 9th, 2024
(Submission deadline extended to
June 21st)
The proposal should be submitted as a single PDF, using the provided template, via Submission form - Researcher.
May 7th to June 9th, 2024
(Submission deadline extended to
June 21st)
Please Register via Submission form - Supervisor.
and Hiring
June 17th to August 9th, 2024
(Submission deadline extended to
June 21st)
A panel of evaluators, comprising specialists from SAIs in the prioritized themes nominated by the Scientific Board, will be responsible for selecting the proposals.
The contracting will be carried out in partnership with UNDP.
October 1st to December 30th, 2024
Research must be original and the results will be presented for approval of the Scientific Board in the form of an article/discussion paper.
March 17th to 31st, 2025
A seminar will be organized to present the approved results of the project. After SCEI's approval, the articles must be submitted to publication in a Scopus or JCR (Journal Citation Reports) listed peer reviewed journal (or similar).
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